[Hi-zreceivingarraydiscussions] 3L array info

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Fri Oct 22 16:06:58 EDT 2010

Greetings to the list. I have just installed the 3 L 50 foot spaced array 
from Lee and am posting some general comments.  I currently have several RCV 
ants including a NE EWE, SE  Flag, a NW pennant and a West heading BOG of 
about 300 feet. In the winter I can usually get out a BOG to my NE that is 
around 300 feet long. I ordered the 3L antenna because I really can't seem 
to squeeze a 4 L into my acre without surrounding my 160 and 80 meter 
transmit antennas. I am looking for better coverage to my NW as the pennant 
seems to not hear very well in that direction and I also needed some better 
coverage to Africa. So, the 6 directions seemed a good compromise. I have 
mine setup so the array (in position 1)points at 45 degrees from my qth as 
that is the best heading for EU.

The array was purchased complete except for the verticals and 
interconnecting cables. I made the elements from  from an old 10 meter beam 
mounted on 4x4 posts of about 7 feet with 3 buried. PVC is used for 
insulators with a 4 foot ground rod at each element for the preamps as per 
directions. I had some relay control lines from other antennas left over so 
supplying power and control switching was no problem.

So far condx have not been very good for DX on 160 and 80 but I've been 
listening on the AM BC band with great results. At times I can replace a 
station in one direction with another by changing directions. Also, there 
are many times when a BC station that is S9 will go into the noise on one or 
more positions of the array. The limited EU and S DX I've heard has been 
equal to or slightly better than the the signals on the other listening 
antennas. The comparisons at this point are very subjective because each 
antenna has a different amount of signal and noise level. What is apparent 
is the angle of arrival of DX signals has a great impact on signal strength. 
The array will give me another 'bolt in the quiver' for DXing on 160 and 80.

I'm very pleased so far with the quality of the product and ease of setup. 
Now that all the cables are buried I can sit back with a cup of cocoa and 
look for that DX!!!

Dan W8CAR 

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